During these times of global pandemic and public distress, we urge our readers to follow the protocol of your country or state and take the necessary measures to keep yourselves and families free of potential harm. Your safety comes first. 

Rest assured that both our custom software development and Digital services will continue on during this time. Our commitment to maintain a creative environment where new ideas can come to life stands firm. Though most of our staff and custom software development team is located in Houston Texas and Kochi, India we have flexibility in terms of working remotely. In fact, our whole team is capable of a remote working environment and we have taken the necessary measures while we wait this virus out. Our team’s protection and job safety becomes most imperative to us when life exposes our vulnerabilities, so we are committed to keep all wheels turning when it comes to our staff, partners and clients.

Software Development & Support Clients: 

If you are a custom software development client or using our support services please continue to keep ongoing communication as we complete your project scope. We are working from home and can handle emails, updates, project requirements, support, etc. We thank you for your continued trust in us.

SEO Clients:

If you are an SEO client and your local business has been affected by COVID-19, please feel free to let us know your situation. We are happy to help you gauge a solution while we weather this storm out. Our phone lines are open to discuss anything you need to. We thank you for your support and trust. 

New Inquiries:

If you have an inquiry about our custom software development services or other digital services, please contact our sales manager Neil Zacharias at Neil@Goldenlinkdigital.com or reach out to Goldenlink directly via phone +1(832)384-8034

Here are 5 Tips to keep yourself protected during COVID-19:

  1. Social Distancing – Thanks to the digital age we live in social distancing isn’t anywhere near as difficult as it may have been in the past. Keep a healthy amount of space from others you don’t know when out. Also follow your state or cities guidelines when it comes to social distancing in public spaces. 
  2. Wash your hands – Washing your hands is a good way to avoid transmitting diseases when we touch others or shake hands. We won’t go too deep into this as you’ve probably heard it from our parents a zillion times. 
  3. Wash Fresh Groceries – Using food-grade hydrogen peroxide or vinegar can help with this. Washing our fresh groceries is a good way to avoid contamination from food.
  4. Don’t share personal items – You know the saying, sharing is caring. Well right now, not-sharing is the new caring. By avoiding handing over our personal belongings we lower the risk for contamination
  5. Self-Isolate if sick. Whether you know it is COVID-19 or not avoid public areas and self-isolate from family members if you are sick. See a doctor if needed, and strongly consider wearing a face mask when you go to the hospital.

We will continue to keep you updated on your progress and work with you diligently. Our clients and partners’ success is our own. 

Goldenlink is a custom software development and digital marketing team located in Houston, TX, and Kochi, India. We are committed to fine tuned results for our clients looking to make an impact in this digital era.

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